Tuesday, August 07, 2007

why π isn't 22/7 (it's almost there)
it's a sad misconception by many (especially malaysian) students that they think π is EXACTLY 22/7. where as the truth is it's off by a stunning 0.001264489. And no that's not very small that's it's insignificant..
basically we all know that π is 3.142
let's just leave it that way a while and check out what 22/7 becomes
which of course means when rounded to the nearest 3 decimal figure is 3.143 (try it out!)
so now what on earth is π exactly.....
well in mathematics it's called a missing number... it doesn't really exist exactly in any form....
it's kinda like e or other constants..
well than why do the stupid edu board teach us π * 7= 22
well it's jus to confuse u soon to be engineers guys and a few gals i guess... darn the sadistic government.. oh or according to my high school math teacher jus too make stuff simple.. (fyi she was surprised too so don't worry)
do u all actually know this???

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