Tuesday, April 03, 2007

heya i've arrived in soung after a 6 hour bus ride... it's not so modern as phnom penh but ok la.. it's really really dusty and my nose is getting an allergic thingie where i really sneeze a lot. do u know wat i miss... i misssssss FLUSHES! i don care bout the air con or tv or whatever but flushes would make my life sooooo much more convinient... it's hard to bring down a big one by menyimbah air if u know wat i mean... i end up spending a lot more time in the toilet than necessary.. And hey you Wongies u would be excellent missionaries... I'm havbing a hard time trying to wash my jeans and all that... hahaha... need to do own cooking.. çooking is not the hard part, buyin the stuff is... there is no fridge so need super calculations to know what to buy... err does anyone know how long carrots can last without a fridge


1 comment:

kam*yu said...

carrots last a long, long time without the fridge. So do potatoes and onions. Basically everything in abc soup lasts long without the fridge. Hope that helps!

- a wongie